Wednesday, March 16, 2011

spring 2011 anime | Spring 2011 Anime Lineup | Spring 2011 Anime Lineup 2011

Spring 2011 Anime
The more people than the Japanese culture really mad, mostly because of the anime, there are Bride, to show interest in wearing the traditional Japanese wedding dress for their wedding-themed anime, or cosplay. This is a wedding theme, which is a bit unusual side, but certainly not a wedding dress. Although this is a beautiful white dress, there are quite a few things that is different from the traditional western wedding dress. Plus, seriously, if the bride's wedding the following Japanese tradition, he will need two suits, not one.

The first wedding dress for the ceremony only is the name of Shiro-maku. This is not a simple silk dress ornaments, because the name means white (Shiro) and clean (maku). One unusual thing about this Kimono is to dress himself for so long that the need to help escort the bride to keep up. The bride in all white, including her wooden clogs, socks and even in the face, in order to advertise her maiden status to the gods. Another kind of kimono is used in the wedding reception. This kimono is called uchikake, and developed a decorated, brightly colored silk kimonos. This is actually the first in the Shiro-maku, and right after the ceremony. Any color will be correct, although one of the top of the red, because it means good luck and happiness.

The bride's hair is a hairstyle known as a difficult-bunkin takashimada which, more often than not, the wig. It is decorated with gold combs and hair accessories for the couple good luck. During the ceremony, a white hood called Tsun kakushi covers the bride's hair. In fact, the name means "to hide the horns of jealousy", and means that the bride is married, and ready to swear to a pleasant, quiet wife, despite the fact that mother-in-law! Under the hood was removed from the reception to show off your beautiful hair. It is not uncommon to change to another dress too - a Western-style at this time.