Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fashion Trends | Current Fashion Trends | latest Fashion Trends | New Fashion Trends 2011

6th Grade Fashion Trends
Two types of men go to college - professors and students. There are also maintenance men and security men but they don't count because they usually have to wear a uniform. The trend in college is for professors to dress down in order to gain more rapport with their students and for students to dress to impress their friends. Although there are cliques in college it is not quite as amplified as it is in high school, unless you live in a frat house where everything is over-amplified.

There is, in general, more freedom in college to be yourself. You can express yourself and develop you own personal style. It never ceases to amaze that rebellious youth wears outrageous fashion in order to be different, only to end up looking exactly like their peers. It is OK to copy your friends if you really like the look, no matter how outrageous it may seem to anyone else, but don't copy them just because you are too intimidated to wear what you really like. This is the time of your life to have it your way and create the adult you want to become.

If you want to wear a suit and tie to economics class go ahead or if you prefer to dress like a Rastafarian do that instead. The point is to create your own self-identity. You are now in charge of your own destiny.